Search By Entity Name

Search By Entity Name
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Search By Entity Name Use the Search Database by Name method if you know the name, or the beginning words of the name you are looking for. Search records online for California Corporations, Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies. Data in this system may be up to fifteen minutes behind actual filings in the Secretary of State's office. In order to optimize the business search experience for all ... To search for a corporation, limited partnership, limited liability company, or trademark, enter the name and select the 'Search Now' button. SEARCH THE BUSINESS ENTITY NAME FILE You may browse the names of business entities such as a corporations or limited liability companies online. Full Name or a Partial Name ending with % for a wildcard search: (please enter at least 3 characters before the % sign) Oregon Secretary of State Corporate Division. Search for a business name in the Business Registry Database. Search by business name or registry number. Search by business name or Secretary of State Control Number in order to file annual reports and other amendments or to view the business detail. Business Entity Search Station (BESS) Perform a Search. Welcome to the Business Entity Search Station (BESS) for the Secretary of State's office. Search Registered Businesses. Searches for Registered Businesses search the existing registered business database for any entity that matches the search criteria.


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